


School Info


The school has best possible arrangements of proper bus transport which facilitate to pick up and drop all day scholars at scheduled stops from within the city area, conveniently nearest to their place of residence at Scheduled/appointed/notified timings. The students are sent out side for Games, Picnic, Excursion, Tour etc for over all development of the students. In case of any risk, the school does not bear any kind of responsibility. They are sent out side with the permission of the parents. Out going students means, the permission of parents is granted


The school library is adequately equipped with all kinds of Literature, reading, material of interest. course books, comics, fe histories of freedom fighters, patriots, prophets etc Note Those students who want to read library books after examination will have to pay the cost of books printed on them which will be refundable.


The school has its own auditorium where lectures, parents meeting and cultural activities are conducted school auditorium is best and praisable it has very beautiful auditorium which is suitable for all co-curricular activities and for special organization as speech/debate, seminar, diclamation and quiz comptition etc. these all sorts of things are benefying to the students and enriching to the teachers with thoughts


institution has well equipped laboratories (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology etc.) for practical laboratory is very vital part of study which reveals no. of facts about learning point of veiw. It makes to study very interesting school has rich ingrediants for experiment with expert experimenter


The School has a well equipped Computer Lab to provide work experience to all the students passing out from the school Technical education is very vital role player in wholesome development of students School has adequate computer systems to make expert the student. computer teaching staff is apt in or rich with computer knowledge.


Parents/Guardians will address all their communications to the principal/Director of City Central School We have set multiehannels for communication between parents students and teacherrs, administrators, principal and managment, as by PT.M or by message slip or by voice message and official administrative commettee) contact no are also provided time to time so that guardians and students can get solved thier problems comfortably

SCHOOL CAMPUS ADDRESS CITY CENTRAL SCHOOL 17, USHA COLONY, BHIND (M.P.) PIN-477001 11324 Phone No's School Campus: 07534-244683,233022 | Principal's Mobile: 84588 Director 07534-233225 (Resi.) Mobile 9425127183