


Admission Criteria


The student must be in the merit list of the evaluation process conducted at the school. [The school reserves the right to grant admission.

The student must be medically fit as per the prescribed school standard (iv) Admission will be given in class 10th and 12th if seats are vacant


Parents seeking admission for their ward must complete prescribed application forms for admission

(a) The completed application form for admission must be submitted to the school with in five days. (a) student's passport size photographs
(b) Photocopy of the result of last school examination (c) Photocopy of birth certificate
(c) Enrollment fee and admission fee not refundable
(d) Admission will be revoked at a later in the event of incorrect information if fee is not deposited in time


The following rules of school discipline shall be followed strictly. (1) Students shall be regular and punctual and avail leave of absence only as granted/sanctioned (2) Students shall be neat and tidy in the prescribed uniform (3) No Student shall speak any language except English while in the school campus or travelling in the bus (4) Students will have perfect silence when the class is in progress. They shall not make noise in the corridors and play field

(3) Students will be expected to be well mannered, honest, truthful, respectful and obedient towards the teacher all elders and visitors

(4) The students shall bring his/her dairy to the school every day

(5) Any student found guilty of any proved misconduct or an act of misbehavior involving moral turpitude will Expulsion and the decision of the head of the institution in that regard shall be final and binding (8) A Student failed once in the annual examination, may be asked to leave the school be liable for


School Maintenance fees along with other Charges is to be deposited in two installments. The first installment from July to November is to be paid till 10th July. The second installment of December to April in the month of December Parents are required to take the receipt of the money paid by them the school maintenance fees will be charged for ten months as per govt. rule


As per instructions from M.P. Board of Secondary Education 75% attendance is compulsory for final exams.if your ward has below than 75% attendance, he may be treated as a private student Presence is the base factor of schooling school arranges no of such a wonderful learning programme which are very very important for building the personality of children school cares too much for building up the higher moral of students